Mobile 07479 275822
R1234yf Car Aircon Regas Service only £99.
R1234yf Car Air Con Regas AIr Conditioning Service
We are probably the cheapest in the UK or the R1234yf service. We purchased the equipment in 2016 to service these cars, so we are able to service them at the same service price. We have vast experience in servicing this new gas. If we find a leak and unable to service your car we only charge £35 for the leak test.
We use genuine R1234yf from BOC in Derby. Some garages have been using R134a instead of R1234yf, this still will cool your car, but is illegal to do so. If using a garage ask for proof of purchase for the R1234yf, and make sure it is from a reputable supplier, as some online sites are miss-selling the refrigerant advertised as r1234yf but is R134a in reclaimed R1234yf bottles
If your car is manufactured from January 2017 you will have the latest refrigerant in your car. Some cars from 2014 also have the latest gas. If you look under your bonnet as shown in the picture below, there will be a label identifying which type of gas and how many grams of gas your car requires.
Check Pressures.
Remove old refrigerant and weigh it to see how much you may have lost.
Nitrogen pressure test if no gas is present in your car air conditioning system.
Bubble test to identify leaks.
Vacuum all systems to a negative pressure to remove any trapped moisture.
Add UV Dye
Add Pag or PAO oil.
Add new R1234YF gas to manufacturers' specifications.
Test high and low pressures.
Test temperature at the air vents.
Lubricate rubber o-rings on Shrader valves.
Report any faults.
Anti-Bacterial Treatment

How do I know if my car has the new R1234yf refrigerant?
There are a few ways to identify whether your car has the R1234yf Gas, these are:-
If your car is 2017 onwards it will have the new gas.
Some cars from 2014 also may have new gas.
Usually, the AC ports have grey caps on them. (Look at picture below)
There is usually a sticker under your bonnet stating which gas you have. (Look at picture below)
If unsure look at this link to identify which gas your car has. Click Here.